Siklós castle
The Siklós Castle is one of the most well-preserved military installations and also one of the most significant Hungarian Renaissance-style buildings. During the time of the Siklósi, Gara and Perényi families, it was a palatine seat.
In the fall of 2009, the reconstruction of the castle started in two phases, with a grant of around one and a half billion forints.
With the modernization of the museum wings of the Siklós castle, the Gothic part of the monument – previously closed to visitors – became available for presentation, which
received a special solution with a glass floor.
Of course, the reconstruction of the Dorottya garden, the barbican and the chapel was not left out either. From the spring of 2011, a renovated and beautified castle with a modern visitor center welcomes visitors.
The castle’s art offer is enriched by historical, painting, fine art, renewed permanent and temporary exhibitions. Visitors are welcomed with numerous entertainment programs, serious and light music concerts, and summer theater performances. The old and renovated parts of the castle offer a unique experience. The past and the present meet in the castle, the main purpose of which is both value preservation and value creation. Siklós castle awaits its visitors with a renewed appearance and program offer.
In the neighborhood of the castle, you can see the 16th-century Malkocsbey Mosque, built during the Turkish subjugation, and the richly decorated parish church from the 18th century. The experience bath built at the base of the castle offers refreshment and relaxation for families with children.
Useful information
Admission prices
Adult admission: HUF 1,500 / person
Family admission: HUF 500 / child 6-14 years old, 0-6 years free , adult 1,500 HUF / person
Pensioner admission: HUF 750
/ person Student admission: HUF 750 / person (with valid student ID )
Valid teacher’s card: HUF 750 / person
Combined ticket: HUF 3,200
Guided tour
In Hungarian: 5,000 HUF
In English or German: 6,000 HUF
Széchenyi SZÉP card (MKB, K&H and OTP) is accepted.
Further information
Siklósi Várszínház Nonprofit Kft.
7800 Siklós, Vajda János tér 8.
Tel.: 72/579-427